…..Kids may soon be back full-time in Hancock County. The Hancock County School Board announced they would re-evaluate the COVID situation at 4 1/2 weeks when they went to a blended model of instruction at the beginning of the school season and they have done just that. Hancock County is now green under Gov. Justice’s new model. Superintendent Dawn Petrovich asked for the authority at Monday’s Board meeting to begin the evaluation process to return full time without waiting for another board meeting, She is slated to meet with the Health Department in the very near future.
……According to Petrovich, in addition to looking at the reported cases in the county it’s also critical to know where those cases are originating, Petrovich said no student has tested positive for COVID. She stressed that schools will be vigilant in continuing to practice all COVID protocol.
….Ensuring the buses don’t exceed the two person per seat also presents a challenge when all students return to school. The two student per seat rule may mean that bus run may need changed to redistribute the number of students per bus.
….At the beginning of the school year, Petrovich said the situation was fluid and could change. At Monday’s Board meeting she emphasised that the system could change again if students teachers and the public doesn’t continue to operate with caution. If there is an increase in COVID cases, schools could return to remote learning very quickly.
…..Congratulations to Oak Glen Girl’s Soccer who captured the OVAC title last week!
…..Oak Glen High’s football team is rate #1 in Class AA WV Metro News. A lot of fans are hoping the losening of restrictions will allow fans to watch their Golden Bears in action.
…..Yes, I have a Do It Right – Build 5A sign in my yard. So does Shannon. No, we don’t live in New Cumberland, but having decent infrastructure through town affects us. New Cumberland is smack dab in the middle of the county and we must pass through it. A decent infrastructure also has an impact on the development of the northern end of the County. Getting the large trucks through from Ergon is a challenge. Those school buses that must travel Ridge Avenue carry cargo that is near and dear to us. The property previously owned by Mountaineer and now owned by Century is some of the prime acreage in the County, but again access in an issue.
…. While attempts to get the Governor’s ear as well as the Dept. of Transportation’s attention have proven futile, perhaps it might provide a show of solidarity if our neighboring communities pass resolutions of support.
…..Our Election 2020 series concludes this week with the Prosecuting Attorney’s race. We think the series has provided a service to voters. While we offered information about what the office holder’s responsibilities may be, we did not indicate whether the candidate is a Democrat or Republican. That’s because I sincerely think you should make your decision based upon the ability of the man or woman to fulfill the responsibilities of the office he/she is seeking not the political affiliation. I also think the candidate’s character is a major factor. An uncommon stance, I’ll admit, for a former Hancock County Democratic County Chair, but I believe the days of voting a straight ticket are over or if they aren’t they should be.
…..Each party has a platform and that platform may guide your vote on a national level and to a degree on the State level. On a local level, however, I judge the candidates on their ability to do the job they seek and their character. I also base a good portion of my vote on the question “Do they (or will they) return my phone calls?” That’s a big deal when I have a problem or want to make them aware of my position. It’s also important that they stay in touch with the local officials who speak for you – County Commissioners and City Council.
… I saw many legislators lose touch with their constituents and local officials when they had been in Charleston for a few years. We even had a name for it: Kanawha River Fever. The symptoms were an increased sense of self importance coupled with an inability to return e-mails or phone calls. The cure could only be found at the ballot boxes.
……October begins Breast Cancer Awareness month. During October events occur which not only raise awareness, but raise funds for research. Do those dollars make a difference? Consider this: in the last three decades breast cancer deaths have declined 40 percent. Is early detection key? I’m a living example that it is. Five years ago cancer was spotted by my annual mammogram. No palpable lump would have been detected for years, but the early detection found a Stage 0, non-invasive tumor. I had the lumpectomy, mammosite radiation and here I am today – a five-survivor.
……Cancer affects not only the patient, but the entire family. A new initiative “Real Men Wear Pink” engages and empowers male community leaders in the fight to end breast cancer. To date 29 West Virginia men have accepted the awareness and fundraising challenge. Thursday I’m interviewing one of the ambassadors – former Marshall University Herd Coach Bob Pruett – and I’ll share his personal story in next week’s edition.