Alpha Tau Meets

The Alpha Tau chapter (WV) of Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators held its October meeting via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by President Diane Bowers.
The Thought for the Day, “A Teacher’s Prayer”, was read by Chaplain Kathy Griffith. A Founder’s Day Program which honored the four creators of the organization was given by President Bowers.
Roll call was taken and minutes were read by secretary Velda Icard. Treasurer Fran Jones gave the financial report and committee reports were given by chairpersons. Plans were made to promote Alpha Delta Kappa Month and the group also discussed Ways and Means ideas to support upcoming altruistic projects. Stacy Riggs and Amy Hannahs were recognized as Violet Sisters for their ten-year membership in the organization. Members were extended an invitation to the Ohio Valley District meeting on October 31, 2020.
Alpha Tau also celebrated it’s forty-third “birthday”. The chapter was installed on October 9, 1977 by Alpha Kappa chapter.
The next meeting will be held on November 10th at the Swaney Memorial Library. Members are asked to bring an item of personal significance to share with the group.