Chester City employees will receive a year-end salary adjustment. The $500 for full-time and $250 for part-time employee payment was approved by Chester City Council at Monday’s meeting. Appointees and elected officials are ineligible.
Council discussed the City’s financial condition due to COVID, but noted that City employees had been laid-off for months due to the pandemic.
A letter to support for the neighboring community of New Cumberland’s efforts for Alternate 5A for Route 2 through New Cumberland was approved. The City of Chester will send their letter to the Dept. of Highways adding their voices to the City of Weirton and the Hancock County Commissioners.
“The current roadway is geometrically deficient for the passage of trucks and is unsafe for pedestrians which utilize the adjacent sidewalk. The proposed project will make the roadway safer for thee traveling public and more efficient for freight traffic,” reads the letter.
The Dept. of Highways has selected alternated 4 which does not take traffic off the Ridge in New Cumberland creating a safety hazard according to proponents of 5 A.
In other business, the Council:
**Placed receipts of $172,971.37 into the general fund;
**Paid bills amounting to $78,352.74;
**Placed receipts of $3,105.00 into the building fund;
**Paid bills of $251.52 from the building fund;
**Approved the purchase of salt for the upcoming winter from Morton Salt at $75.04/ton;
**Agreed to purchase three Dell laptops $592 each and one Microsoft Office program for the office staff. The City will seek to be reimbursed through CARE Act funds.
**Purchased cold patch to repair holes in the street;
**Discussed selling the street sweeper;
**Learned the building elevator had been repaired and groups were now utilizing the building in two-hour increments with all COVID precautions being observed.