Your Imagination Station

With Connie & Shauna

   Boy has it been BUSY here at Lynn Murray Memorial Library. With 36 in attendance, we got to thank some of our EMS and Police Officers for their service. Angie and Wes, from Hancock County Ambulance, gave the kiddos a tour of an ambulance and answered all their questions. Then we made mini first aid kits, with supplies donated by Hancock County Ambulance and Davis Brothers Pharmacy. Ms Lindsey read a story to help introduce our next guests, Sheriff Gittings, Officer DiJirlanio with Kevin, and Officer Kauffman with Luna. They talked to us about safety, their jobs and we got to pet the K9 Officers and see Kevin work commands. Thank you EMS and Officers for always being there to keep us safe.

   Then we moved on to kick off our Summer Reading Program. The theme this year is TAILS & TALES. So, every week through August, tune in to our Facebook page EVERY DAY AT 3:00 where you’ll find a featured story and craft. Last week was about Reptile Tails and this week is about Fluffy Tails. What kind of tails will next week bring? The week of June 28-July 2, we will be in the library EVERY DAY with a different “TALE,”  crafts, games, and a pizza party and prizes to finish off the week. Be sure to get your kiddo(s) registered for their age group. K-1 is 11am-noon, Grades 2,3,4 from 1-2pm, Grades 5-6 from 3-4pm, and Game Time for all ages from 5-6pm.

   Speaking of games, did you know we now have GAME NIGHT every Thursday 4-6pm through Aug 12?  Then once school begins, it’ll be held the first Thursday of every month starting with September. NO CHARGE and all ages are welcome. We had 14 kiddos plus several parents help get GAME NIGHT off to a fantastic start.

   Do you have kiddos who are 5 years old or younger? Well, then you need to stop in every Wed from 11-noon for our very first Summertime Storytime. We read a story, do a craft, have playtime, sing, dance and make new friends. Our first week was a huge success! We’d love to have you join us. We’ll be meeting every Wed at 11am through Aug 11.

   We continue to have the “Bag Ladies” aka Plarn Mat makers, meet here on the third Friday of every month at 5pm to prep plastic bags to be made into mats for our deployed military. Won’t you stop in and help us?

   You can also join us for our Sit & Stitch group that meets the last Friday of every month from 11-1 and 5-7. Come to one or both timeframes. Want to learn to knit, crochet, embroider, cross stitch or any other needlework? Come join us, we’ll be happy to teach you. Or, if you already know how to do these, bring your WIP and come join the fun.

   What does July have in store for us? HARRY POTTER DAY is going to be held Sat, July 31 from 11-1. Stay tuned for all the info on that magical day. There’s also going to be a Paint Class. More info and registration will be coming soon.

   We are so very fortunate to have volunteers with us this summer. Be on the lookout for Ms Lindsey Smith, who’s helping us with our Children’s programs. Lindsey will be graduating from West Liberty University in December with her Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education and a Minor in Special Education. Gavin Malcomb will be a Senior at Oak Glen this fall, and has been helping us organize our Children’s library and plan Summer Reading. Grace Smith and Samira Pratt have been coming in to help us organize books and help with children activities. We’re so very blessed to have all these young adults here with us.

   Until next time…..remember to grab a book and let your imagination take you places you’ve never been.

  Connie and Shauna