CEOS Hold Workshop

The Hancock County Community Educational Outreach Service (CEOS) recently held the first of three food preservation workshops at Camp Aura, supported by WVU Extension Service, Brooke-Hancock Family Resource Network, Try This WV, and the Hancock County 4-H Foundation.

The workshops are designed to provide hands-on experience for those who are inexperienced or new to preserving food. “So many people seem to think canning is some big, mysterious endeavor, and it really isn’t,” said class instructor Sue Isner.  “It’s a fairly simple process and, if you can walk someone through it once, they’ve got it.”

The first class, held on June 23, was Jams & Jellies and each participant took part in cooking down the blueberries and sugar, jarring, and processing it, then took the finished product home with them.

The next class in the series will be Water Bath & Pressure Canning, to be held on August 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Camp Aura. These are the basic classes for those interested in preserving fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. Class size is limited to eight and a pre-paid RSVP is required to retain a spot.  If enough interest is shown, there may also be an evening class on August 19 from 4-8 p.m.

The final class, Freezing & Dehydration, will be held September 1. Again, a pre-paid RSVP is required to retain a spot. Cost for each workshop is $15.00 and includes all materials, as well as a working lunch, and participants get to take the food they prepared home!  Anyone interested in attending the workshop should contact the Hancock County Extension Office at 304-564-3805.