The Oak Glen High School Sadie Hawkins Dance is sponsored by the Key Club and led by Jennifer Molish. The Key Club chooses a charity every year for the Sadies. This year the club chose to raise money and awareness for one of their own – a student battling Ewing’s Sarcoma. Ten senior girls and ten senior boys are voted on the court by the student body. The court members make donation boxes to collect money for charity. The senior girl with the most money votes will be crowned Daisy Mae and the boy with the most money votes will be Lil Abner. The Key Club also sold shirts to raise money. The Sadie Hawkins dance will be held Tuesday at the high school. Court members include, front row, from left, Mason Konchar, Ethan Arner, Nathan Lang, Phoebe Molish, Ava Ross, Teya Hall, Sophia Arner; middle row, from left, Xavier Russell, Nate Stoica, Danny Bridges, Ally Severs, Maddie McKay, Grace Smith; back row, from left, Jontae Howard, Francesco Tiraferri, Emma Renfro, Paige Hooker and Kennedy McGeehan. (not pictured: Torrin Smith and Ethan Lively)Additional Photo shows OGHS students and staff who wore yellow in support of the Sadie Hawkins cause.