So tell me, how were your Holidays? Ours were wonderfully spent with family and friends. But, I have to say, I missed all of YOU!  It seemed like we were closed forever. It’s sooooooo good to be back to work.

   With a New Year upon us, there’s a lot of new PROGRAMS that we will bringing you. We are so excited to share the first one with you. Who’s up for a MOVIE DAY ?? Alrighty then. I knew you would be. So, plan to be here on Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 11:00am. I know, movies are usually in the evenings, but, with it being winter, we want to be sure everyone is safe, and we thought it would be better to show them during the day throughout the winter. We will also be making a craft that goes along with the theme of the movie, having popcorn, punch or water. It’ll be open to the children of Elementary age. Keep watching our Facebook page to find out what MOVIE we’ll be showing.

   You’re also gonna want to keep Saturday, February 5 at 11am open. I KNOW you’re ALL going to want to bring your kiddos to the library that day. I can’t tell ya’ll why just yet, but I promise you, it’s BIG !

   Remember to stop in and pick up your 2022 calendar from the Tri State Master Gardeners. They’re $1 each and full of good information for gardening, as well as other things.

   Sit & Stitch still meets EVERY Friday of EVERY month, 11-1 and 4-6. Come see what everyone is working on.

   If you’re a Gamer, then you’ll want to be here on the first Thursday of every month for GAME NIGHT at 4:00.

   Registration is open now for our Winter/Spring Session for Storytime with Miss Connie. We meet every Wednesday from 11-12, beginning February 2, 2022. It’s open to all children up to 5 years old.  We read stories, learn songs, make a craft, make new friends, and most of all, just have a terrific time. Come join us. You’ll see.

   Do your kiddos like to make things? We are now putting together Take & Make Projects. These crafts are designed for children up through 4th grade. A new Take & Make will be ready for you to stop in and pick up, every Monday. It’ll have all the supplies you’ll need, aside from glue, crayons, tape, and maybe staples on occasion. But most everyone has those things at home already.

    Remember to keep an eye on our Facebook Page, Lynn Murray Memorial Library, to see all the upcoming events we have in store for you. You’ll also find our 3:00 Story, NEW RELEASE books, New To Us books, pictures from our events, and so much more.  Until next time…..grab a book and let your imagination take you places you’ve never been.   Connie