How to best ensure residents know what is happening in New Cumberland was discussed at New Cumberland City Council’s July 5th meeting. Mayor Will White said despite the best efforts of the City to utilize social media and Hometown News, he feels there is still a void in communications. . He suggested purchasing an electronic message board to inform residents of events like the Riverfest, parades or even a boil order imposed by the City’s water department. White said the Board would cost around $5,000.00 and could be located in the northern end of town.
Council decided to table the decision until more information could be obtained.
Discussion over the broken concrete walk at the Municipal Complex was discussed. White said the area being blocked off with orange cones had brought complaints. He said the cost to hire someone to pave the area was very high and discussion ensued as to whether bags of concrete could be purchased and the repaving done by City workers.
In other business Council:
**Approved monthly invoices of $45,017.29;
**Learned that Todd and Shannon Blake’s Ridge Avenue residence was selected as Yard of the Month;
**Approved the draw down of $381,839.00 for the Sewer project;;
**Approved the draw down of $132,063.61 for the water project;,
**Learned that the Brian Webster Memorial plaque has been ordered;
**Agreed to pay Valley Tree Service $650 to cut down three trees in Pride Park and trim the big maple tree; and spend $500 on electrical upgrades to the Park;
**Approved the City donations for 22/23 year;
**Agreed to donate to the Hancock County Panthers;
**Hired two part-time police officers;
**Approved the driveway plan for Bill White to access his property;
**Approved the hiring of two part-time summer helpers;
**Discussed how best to ensure the riverfront lots are trimmed.