The Newell Community Improvement Coalition will be sponsoring a lecture on the history of Laurel Hollow Park and Newell, WV, at the park in Newell on August 7, 2022 at 7:30pm. Presented by Shannon Giambroni with the research done by Mark Gonzalez, visitors will learn about the birth of the town of Newell and some interesting missing pieces of history, as well as a recounting of the story of the infamous bear fight that took place in the zoo in the park. Occasion Nation will provide a screen to showcase pictures of the era, and a display of vintage dishes will be available for all to see. The Fiesta Tableware Company and their customer Everything Kitchens are donating a three piece set consisting of a dinner plate, salad plate and a bowl with a Love and Peace design to raffle for $5 per ticket, or 5 tickets for $20. This pattern has not yet been available to the general public and will not be for sale at the factory outlet, as it is exclusive to Everything Kitchens. It will be available at a future date on their website The drawing will take place at the conclusion of the event on Sunday. Winner need not be present. Proceeds raised are used to host free events for Newell residents and neighbors or for community beautification and improvement projects. The park will be hosting Red Ravin on August 14, Mad River Men on September 11, and The Restless Cricket Sept 18. These events are free and open to the public. For more information, please follow the Facebook group Newell Community Improvement Coalition.