President Dorothy Hawkes brought the meeting to order. Lion Rick Tinsky offered the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Chuck Mitchell. Zone 1 Chair Tom Stiles introduced visitors from the Follansbee Club, President Bill Snyder and Secretary Terry Snyder. Lion Terry Snyder is also Past District Governor of District OH3 in Ohio. The minutes were approved as read and the treasurer’s report was placed on file for audit. Lion Joyce Young reported on the annual Walk for Sight in honor of Past District Governor Jack Harris and Past President Brian Webster. The event raised $526 for the WV Sight Conservation Foundation. Thirteen people participated in the walk. Lion Pam Stiles provided information on Shoebox Ministry that provides gift boxes to children around the world for Christmas. If any members would like a box to fill for a child or for more information, please contact Lion Pam Stiles. They need to be ready by November 18. The next meeting will be November 8. As this is election day, the meeting will be held at the Christian Church in the Community Room with dinner served at 6:30 and the meeting to follow. The Board meeting will be November 15 in the Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. At this time, President Dorothy Hawkes presented Lion Bob Manypenny with a chevron to recognize 50 years as a member of the New Cumberland Lions Club. Lion Terry Snyder presented President Dorothy Hawkes with a memento from her time as District Governor. PHOTO: President Dorothy Hawkes, right, presents Lion Bob Manypenny, left, with a 50-year membership