The Hancock County Democratic Executive Committee and Hancock County Democratic Women held their monthly meetings respectively at B4 Bar and Grill, 180l Pennsylvania Avenue, Weirton (T. Kosciusko Hall downstairs) on May 16th with Chairman Kathy Link calling the meeting to order, welcoming those in attendance, leading in the Pledge Of Allegiance and introducing the guest speaker Wheeling Attorney Teresa Toriseva who was elected First Vice-Chair of the West Virginia Democratic Party. She spoke on the legislation and the goals of the West Virginia Democratic Party.
Silent attendance was taken and reports were read and approved.
The Executive Committee continues to plan a “Summer Picnic and “Winter Fundraiser”.
With no further business meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 20th at 5:00 PM at B4 Bar and Grill, 1801 Penna Ave., Weirton (T. Kosciusko Hall, downstairs).HANCOCK COUNTY DEMOCRATIC WOMENFollowing the Hancock County Executive Committee meeting, the Hancock County Democatic Women held their monthly meeting with President Teresa McCombs calling the meeting to order and welcoming those in attendance.
Secretary’s report was read znd approved and the Treasurers report will be filed for audit.
A motion was made to change the meetings from the third Monday to the third Tuesday immediately following the Executive meetings at B4 Bar and Grill.. .
President McCombs advised that Tara Shepherd, Program Administrator of the Community Bread Basket said that the group can volunteer at their facility on Wednesday and Friday. She also said that she would be willing to speak at our July meeting.
It was noted that the Executive Committee will include the Democratic Women in their “Summer Picnic and Winter Fundraiser.
With no further business.meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, June 20th at 6:00 PM at B4 Bar and Grill, 1801 Penna. Ave.,Weirton (T. Kosciusko Hall, downstairs).
The Democratic women are hosting a membership drive on June 20th at B4 Bar and Grill and welcoming new members. Prospective members must be a Hancock County Democratic Woman, Annual dues are $10.00 payable upon joining. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at B4 Bar and Grill, Penna. Ave., Weirton.
For information, contact Chair Alesia Brogdon at (304) 914-6960 or by email at [email protected] or President McCombs at (304) 723-0290 or by email teresa,mccombs194@gmai