Chester-Newell Sportsmen club is having a certified Hunter safety education class on Saturday, October 5th from 1pm-6pm, and Sunday October 6th, from 1pm-6:30pm. Adults of all ages, and youths 10 and up accompanied by an adult are welcome. They must attend both days.Persons who take the free NRA or other online class can register and must attend the Sunday class to complete the firearms handling and test.Class is recognized by all 50 states and Canada!! To register go to or by phone    Pick west Virginia, Hancock County, and the traditional class.If no internet access phone or text 304-374-5587.  We are on gas Valley Rd. behind Green Valley Dairy. GPS: 131 Gas Valley Rd., Georgetown, PA. 15043. Turkey shoots at the club will start Sunday October 6th at 10am.