New Cumberland Council Handles Numerous Issues

The entrance to the new City Building on River Avenue has been brightened with flower boxes and planters and issues regarding the final signoff on the building remodel have been resolved. City Clerk Tammy Jenkins said the City will receive a refund from the painting and problems with the windows have been resolved.

The Street Department will be restructured. Daily tasks will be assigned by Turley with emphasis on both performing the street work and keeping City property mowed and weeded. Approval was given to hire three additional workers to work on the storm sewer project. Council decided it was more cost efficient to perform the work inhouse.

In other business:

**Jenkins was successful in obtaining a $150,000.00 grant for Hazard Mitigation to assist in areas which were flooded.

**The City will replace signage throughout the Town and Council voted blue and white to be the color’;

**Council donated $2,000.00 toward a fence for the Magic Garden. Representative Maureen Vulgamore told Council the deer had eaten a large part of the produce this year;

**New Cumberland will join with other municipalities and the Cities in honoring Hancock County Association of Retired School Employees.

**Jacob Gittings was hired as a part-time patrolman;

**The renovation of the floor in the old city building was tabled;

**A survey of the municipal garage and 600 Ridge Avenue lot will take place Sept. 30;

**Carrol Langley of 707 2nd Avenue was selected as “Yard of the Month.”

**Approval to pay monthly invoices of $45,228.30 was given;

**Purchase of a generator for the City Building was tabled pending further information from the Gas Company;